How to Access Big Blue from a Web Browser
1. Open up your preferred Internet browser on your device. All laptops have Mozilla Firefox, Google
How to Access SharePoint sites from a Web Browser
1. Open up your preferred Internet browser on your device. All laptops have Mozilla Firefox, Google
How to Install SharePoint on a Mobile Device
1. Open the App Store (or Google Play if you have an Android) and search for SharePoint.
How to Sync files from SharePoint to File Explorer
1. Open SharePoint in your preferred browser. For more detailed instructions on how to do so, please
SharePoint Informational Basics Sheet
How to create a SharePoint to OneDrive Shortcut
1. Open the SharePoint location you wish to have a shortcut to.
2. You can add a shortc
Company Logo Missing from SharePoint
If the Tweet/Garot Company logo is missing from the top left in your SharePoint window, and the top