How to Sync files from SharePoint to File Explorer
1. Open SharePoint in your preferred browser. For more detailed instructions on how to do so, please see the article titled How to Access SharePoint from a Web Browser.
2. Navigate to the team site you are looking for either by using the Frequent sites section, Recent section, or Following section. Click on your team site you want to sync to go to the team's homepage.
3. Click on the Documents link to see all the documents within that site.
4. Once you are in the Documents library, click the Sync button in the middle of the screen under the site title.
5. You’ll see two notifications pop up, make sure you click Open to start the Sync, and then Close the notification that the library is syncing with your OneDrive.
6. After a few moments, your File Explorer will pop up with a new option on the left side titled Tweet/Garot Mechanical. There will be a drop down arrow and every SharePoint site that you have synced to your OneDrive will appear there in its own folder.