Edit Toolbar
By default, the Edit toolbar provides quick access to common editing commands like Copy and Paste.
Note: The exact tools a user will see depends on their Profile, licensing, and the customizations they have made and might not include all the tools mentioned here.
The toolbar may be hidden, and you can unhide it by following the steps in the Show / Hide Toolbars article. Below is an image of the toolbar.

Undo (CTRL+Z): Reverts to the previous document state. Click to the right for a menu of all undo actions available. Selecting an item from this list will also undo all actions taken after the selected action.
Redo (CTRL+Y): Performs the last operation that was undone. Click to the right for a menu of all redo actions available.
Cut (CTRL+X): Cuts the selected markup and places it on the clipboard.
Copy (CTRL+C): Copies information from a markup or the content onto the clipboard while leaving it in place.
Paste (CTRL+V): Pastes a markup from the clipboard onto the PDF.
Format Painter (CTRL+SHIFT+C): Copies appearance formatting and properties from one markup to another markup or group of markups.
Delete (DEL): Deletes the selected markup.
Flatten (CTRL+SHIFT+M): Flattens markups in the current document, moving them from the markup stream into the main body of the PDF, rendering them uneditable.
Snapshot (G): Copies content (and markups if the Include Markups in Snapshots preference is enabled) from the PDF to the clipboard, from which it can be pasted into a Snapshot markup or another program.