Text Toolbar
By default, the Text toolbar contains tools used to create text markups and other related tools.
Note: The exact tools a user will see depends on their Profile, licensing, and the customizations they have made and might not include all the tools mentioned here.
The toolbar may be hidden, and you can unhide it by following the steps in the Show / Hide Toolbars article. Below is an image of the toolbar.
Text Box (T): Places a text box markup.
Typewriter (W): Enables freely typing text on a PDF.
Note (N): Inserts a sticky note.
Flag (F): Inserts a linked flag on the currently active page.
Pen (P): Adds a free-drawn markup.
Highlight (H): Adds a semi-transparent line simulating a highlighter.
Eraser (SHIFT+E): Removes pen and highlighter markups.