How to Access Barracuda Archiver
You can access Barracuda Archiver via Outlook or through the Barracuda application.
Accessing Barracuda Archiver via Outlook
1. Open your outlook desktop application.
2. Make sure you are on the "Home" tab.
3. Navigate to the "Barracuda Networks" section of the Home Ribbon.
4. Click on "Search Archive" to access the search portal.
Accessing Barracuda via the Barracuda Application
1. Open the Start menu.
2. Type "archive" and select Barracuda Archive Search for Outlook.
3. In the Barracuda Archive Search for Outlook application that comes up, enter your search criteria or just click on "search" to view the last 1000 emails. You may be asked to sign in if you have changed your password since the last time opening the program.
4. if you are asked to sign in, be sure to select "Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service" radio button from the two options and enter your username and standard office password. Click "OK".
5. Enter your search parameters in the boxes provided and select "Search". Up to 1000 emails pertaining to the search criteria will be listed below.