How to Edit a PDF in Microsoft Edge
To be able to edit a PDF in Microsoft Edge, you will need to set Microsoft Edge as the default for PDF type files. If you already have it as the default, you can skip ahead to Step #5.
1. Go to the Start Menu and search for Settings.

2. Go to the Apps section and then select Default Apps.

3. Use the top search bar and type in ".pdf"

4. Select the option that shows up and select Microsoft Edge and Set Default.

5. Locate and open a PDF file from an email or your File Explorer that you need to mark up and edit.

6. Once it is open, there will be a top bar in Edge that shows a variety of options.

7. That first option will be a Table of Contents button, followed by a Highlighter, Drawing Marker, Eraser, and a Text Box.

8. Starting with the Highlighter, you can select it and press the drop down arrow to change colors and the width of the line with the slider at the bottom. Note: The Text only highlight option will highlight the text that exists but goes per line only, which can be useful for precise highlighting. If this is turned off, it will be free form like the pen would be, but in highlighter form.

9. The Draw marker option has the same setting changes as the highlighter by clicking the down arrow after selecting it. You can adjust the width of the marker line and the color here as well. Note: If you need to remove certain texts from a document, using the white color for the marker and drawing over the unwanted text is the best solution.

10. The next item is an Eraser, which can erase both the highlighter and the marker. Note: It will erase each movement, so if you highlighted three lines at once and use the eraser, it will erase those three lines. If you highlighted one line at a time, it would erase one at a time. The same goes for the marker.

11. The Text box button looks like a T in a box. When you select this option, you can choose where in the document to place it by clicking the document. There are color options for the text, along with spacing and sizing that you can change to fit your needs. If you need to move your text once you are finished, you can use the left side blue section to click and drag to wherever else you need it in the document. The trashcan icon can be used to completely get rid of the text box as well.

12. There are two buttons, one for accessibility which will read your document aloud, and the other works as a translator for other languages.

13. The middle section of options are able to Zoom out, Zoom in, and a fit to width (zooms in until the PDF fits horizontally). You can also enter the page number you wish to go to, rotate the entire PDF, and change the Page View to show two pages or one.

14. The last section allows you to search the document, print the document, save it, and save as. If you edit the document and wish to have the option to undo any changes, select the Save As option when you save it. There is also a full screen button and a Settings gear icon that will show have the option to show annotations. Note: The main items that will be used for most people in this section are the search function, the printing, and the save abilities.