Windows 11 Update Changes
This will explain the new changes with the File Explorer and Taskbar in the Windows 11 update.
1. The new look for the Cut function is an icon that looks like a pair of scissors and is located at the top bar of the File Explorer window, as well as when you right click on a file.

2. The new look for the Copy function is an icon that looks like two rectangles on top of one another, also located at the top File Explorer window bar and when you right click on a file.

3. The Paste function is located at the top File Explorer window bar only and looks like a clipboard with a rectangle on top of it.

4. The new Rename looks like a text box with a cursor line in it and is visible when you right click on a file and on the File Explorer top bar.

5. The last key part for the File Explorer changes are with the Show more options at the bottom of the menu when you right click on a file. This will bring up a menu that looks like what the regular menu looked like in Windows 10.

6. The Taskbar also goes through some changes and will be centered in the bottom taskbar of your computer. If you prefer the old style, you can right click on the taskbar and select Taskbar settings.

7. This will bring up various options, but the key one is titled Taskbar behaviors located at the bottom.

8. Click the dropdown on Taskbar alignment and select Left.

If you have any questions, concerns, or issues with any of the changes with Windows 11, please submit a ticket through the IT Portal.