How to Approve Requests
The Approve Requests section will be used ONLY by managers and directors when a new request is raised/submitted by someone that reports directly to them.
1. Visit the ticketing portal at and click the Login button in the upper right-hand corner.
2. Log in using your Tweet/Garot email and password, and approve the Duo Push on your phone to confirm it is you logging in.
3. Once you are signed in, you should see the homepage for the portal with four buttons underneath a search bar.
4. Select the option for Approve Requests at the bottom right.
5. It will open to a My Pending Approvals page where you will be able to see all of the requests awaiting your approval. Click on the request you want to view.
6. You will then be taken to the ticket page where you can see all the information regarding the ticket. At the top has the title as well as when it was requested.
7. The body of the request has a More info link you can press to view more information on the software/request.
8. On the right side, there are several key informational pieces that can be found here. At the top is the Approval status which will start as Requested when it is first requested and will change to Approved or Rejected based on your selection.
9. The Requested by is who the approval is being sent to, meaning this would be you, the person who needs to either approve or reject the request.
10. The Requester is who requested the items in the first place. This may show up as their email, their name, or both.
11. The status will be updated as the ticket progresses and will start at Awaiting Approval until it is either approved or rejected.
12. Lastly, there are the typical three categories that is seen in most normal tickets. The Assigned to option will show which IT team member is assigned the ticket, the Category will be filled out after more information is gathered, and the Priority will be set in accordance with our SLAs for Service Requests but can be changed based on the needs of the request.
13. At the top of the page, you will see buttons to Reject or Approve. After thoroughly looking at the request, and coming to a decision, you can press the corresponding button to your choice. In both options, you will be prompted to enter a Remark regarding your choice to Approve/Reject. Note: It will be required for you to enter a Remark for rejections.
14. After you Approve/Reject the request, you will be able to see the Remarks of your selection directly under the title with a time stamp on it. On the right side of the scree, the Approval status has changed to reflect your selection as well.
15. You have now gone through how to approve and reject Service Requests that are sent to you. If you want to view any previous requests that were sent for your approval, you can do so by heading to the Approve Requests page.
16. Once there, click on the down arrow next to the title My Pending Approvals.
17. This will show the options to see My Pending Approvals or My Historic Approvals. Click on My Historic Approvals.
18. Here you can see all the previous requests that you have had, in addition to being able to click on them to open the ticket and view the details, remarks, and other information as well.
19. You are now all set to approve and reject any requests that are sent your way for approval.
If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please let us know by submitting a ticket via the portal or by calling the Help Desk line at (920) 498-7698.