How to Use Remote Desktop Server (RDS)
You need to use Internet Explorer for this, it will not work on Chrome, Safari, or Firefox.
1. To open Internet Explorer, click the Windows logo, and then type Internet Explorer and open the app.
2. In the address bar at the top, type in and click Enter on your keyboard.
3. The first time you log in, you will see the following message at the bottom of your browser. Click Allow. Note: This will only appear the first time you log onto RDS.
4. Use your Tweet/Garot credentials to sign into the server. You must type TG\ before your username (your username is your first initial, middle initial, and the first five letters of your last name). Your password is the typical password that you use to sign into Tweet/Garot services like your email and your computer. If you are on your own computer, you can select the This is a private computer box. If you are on some else's or a public computer, make sure the This is a public or shared computer box is selected.
5. Once you're logged in, a list of available applications will show up on the screen. Click the app you would like to use.
6. Once you click on an app, you will see a window that tells you it's connecting.
7. Next, a pop up will ask if you are sure you want to run the RemoteApp program. Click Connect.
8. The application will open up and run on your screen as if it was installed on your computer.
9. If you look at the bottom of the computer screen, you will see the Remote Desktop app has green arrows on it. That means that you are connected and are running a Remote Desktop Server app. Note: You can run multiple Remote Desktop apps simultaneously.
10. When you're done with an app, you can just close it like you would any other program on your computer and your connection to the Remote Desktop Server will automatically be terminated. Nothing special is required to close out.