Digital Signature with Adobe Acrobat Pro
This article walks you through both Creating a digital signature as well as using it. Please refer to the headings below for clarification on each. This is specific instructions for Adobe Acrobat XI Pro, if you have a different version, or wish to request this version, please submit a Service Request for the correct software.
Creating the Digital Signature
1. Open Adobe Acrobat XI Pro.
2. From the Edit menu, select Preferences.
3. In this new window, locate Categories on the left, scroll down and click Signatures.
4. On the main screen to the right, under Identities and Trusted Certificates, click More.
5. To set up your signature, click on Add ID in the window that just opened.
6. A prompt will pop up, select A new digital ID I want to create now, then click Next.
7. Keep the default, and verify that NEW PKCS#12 digital ID file is selected. Then click Next.
8. In this new window, fill the required information and proceed with Next. The Country, Key Algorithm, and use digital ID for should be kept at their default.
9. On the next screen, leave the file location the same. You should see a prompt for a new password for your new signature. This will be used as confirmation before signing. Make sure to follow the guideline for a strong password such as upper-case, lower-case, digits, special characters, etc. Select Finish.
10. You should now see your information in the Digital ID and Trusted Certificate Settings. Close the window and your digital signature should be stored.
Using the Digital Signature
1. Open to document you want to sign under File > Open.
2. Under the tool bar to the right, locate the Sign tab. Then select Place Signature.
3. Select Drag New Signature Rectangle ...
4. Drag the rectangle where you want your signature to be. After you have selected a place, a Sign Document window should open. Check to make sure your name is selected in the Sign As dropdown box.
5. Enter and confirm your password for Adobe signatures, and click Sign.
**Note: When asked to save your document, add an underscore to the end of the name of the document with the word Signed after. For example, if a document was called ComputerRequestForm, after you add the signature, you should save it as ComputerRequestForm_Signed
6. Now you should have a digital signature on your PDF document.